In my previous installation I had one of my friends run and walk next to stranger while they were working out on bayshore and got their reactions. This time I decided to stick with the same concept, but I went a little further. Me and 5 of my friends walked down to bayshore and I had them all spread out along the sidewalk. Once they all were spread out I waited for someone I saw walking to be the victim of my project. I decided I would prefer a male because he would end up surrounded by girls. Finally, I saw a man in the distance walking who seemed to have really big hair and decided that would be the one. As he got closer I realized it was not hair, it was a sombrero hat. I started following the man and filming, and then the first girl walked with him.
As girl #1 started walking with this man he looked at her at first and looked away, but then he turned back to her and said "hola" and started having a conversation with her. He pulled out a card that said Four Greens Running Club on it and tried selling the running club he was a part of to my friend. He told her that this running club meets every Tuesday to run on bayshore. Once you do it 10 times you get a free shirt, and if you continue you get certain badges.
Then girl #2 joined, but he did not really notice her that much. I don't think he noticed her at first because she walked behind him to get next to girl #1. All 3 continue walking and having a conversation.
Girl #3 then joins. When she started walking next to him he looked at her and said "are there more?". He then continued talking to the girls and talked more about the running club he is doing and asks for all of their names. At this point they were pretty much covering the sidewalk and people had to walk around them.
As they kept going you see girl #4 join the group. She starts walking with them but has to walk a bit in front of them because there is not much room. once he sees girl #4 walking with them he asks her her name as well. He then told the girls "if this is my last day on earth I will die a happy man." He proceeded to tell the girls that he used to be in the navy and more about his life. He also asked the girls how they knew each other, so he figured that they were all friends without them saying anything.
Finally girl #5 joins the crowd. She walked up to them and he goes "oh my more?" in such a shocked voice. He was so confused at what was going on, but was definitely not upset. He asked girl #4 for her name and continued to converse. He told them that he was going to Germany in a couple of weeks for a few months and he was very excited. One of the girls asked about his hat and he said he was wearing a sombrero to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
Once the girls were at the end of the road they said there goodbyes and the man gave them his name and told them to join the running club, and they went on their way.
I was extremely shocked, but happy about the way everything turned out. I am so happy that the outcome this time was so different than last time and that it was not just the same thing over again.